It's another Wedded Bliss Wednesday and this is a good one because I love me some Holiday time!
What is the best gift to give your husband?
Anything sports related really. Whether it is something for the Man Cave or tickets to a game, he loves his sports so I know I can't really go wrong with sports. Books are good too but he takes FOREVER to get thru He's also into box sets of movies and shows such as the James Bond box set in blue ray or the Lost TV show but those aren't as high on the list.
What is a meaningful gift that you can give that does not cost money?
Oh now, c'mon that should be an easy! ;) But in all honesty the best gift that I could give him would be just to spend time with him or watch a Lion's or Patriots game with him. I mean he'll watch the games no matter what but he likes it when I sit in there with him and act like I'm paying attention.
What is the best gift you have given to him?
Well he likes this collage I made of all the words that are significant to us. It was so simple to make and practically free!
What is the best gift he has given to you?
Oh there is no way to decide which gift is my favorite. He does a really good job at picking out jewelry, clothes, movies, anything really! What can I say? I picked a good one!
But I did love when he took me to NYC for Christmas last year.
What are you giving this holiday?
Happy Wednesday!