When the weather eventually gets a little warmer, I think it will be time to start my next home improvement project. Last year I got pretty crafty with this little number...

And I absolutely love it! It's fun and accomplishing to make something new. It fit perfectly into the dark themes I have for our living room.
Lots of reds and black. Which I think is super sexy. The downside is that it is a small space and dark colors can accentuate that fact.
But when I got my March issue of InStyle, I was flipping through and came across this little number:
I was pretty much instantly obsessed. I love all the beautiful pastel colors and just the overall airiness the room has. The only problem that struck me at first was that it is pretty girly and I do live with a boy. Then I remembered..."Wait just one cotton-pickin minute! I live with this..."
And that is totally fine! I truly believe every man needs his space to just chillax, even if it is starting to look like an Applebees wall...
Anyway, so that took care of my girly guilt, but I also have no desire to break the bank. SO I went on to my trusted Polyvore to see if I could put together a little room collage and this is what I came up with!
Possible New Living Room by sarahkeck86 on Polyvore
It has a lot of the same features from the picture that I found but just toned down a little bit and utilizing the things I already own. The couch is a slip-cover in a neutral ivory instead of pink just to make it more versatile if I ever decided to change it up again later. The lamp stands would also stay the same, I would just get new lampshades. Where I would bring in the pink is with the accents, the pillows (which I would just recover the pillows I already own) and the wall artwork. I would also keep my current armchair the same since I think it is plenty feminine for the proposed new room. I couldn't find the exact chair we have but it illustrates how the new pillows would look.
I love the idea of the zebra rug, but we have carpet. I don't know if you can do rug on top of carpet, anyone have any thoughts?
Of course this is all super dependent of if our landlord will let me paint the walls that pale blue that's in the background of the collage I made. But what do you all think?! I would love some feedback on this. It's going to take me a couple of months to get everything and start, but until then, I welcome any changes or suggestions! Part of the fun is the planning!
Happy Wednesday!
You are so creative! Love how you can put together things like that! Looks good! Happy living room decorating! Also, happy see you in like 1 month and a half! Kayla and I have already planned what the four of us are doing haha! xo