Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Holiday Craziness Has Begun!

After such a whirlwind Thanksgiving weekend that involved a little food, a lot of work and online shopping, I can say that come three weeks from now I will be totally ready for our Disney vacation.

So work is going to be cray cray these next few weeks. Actually the craziness has already begun. One of the joys of working in retail is that when it is busy, it's hard to keep an eye on everyone in the store and I have learned that there are an astounding number thieves in this world!

Yesterday, for example we had a homeboy come into the store with a bag FULL of Ann camis and long-sleeve t-shirts and no receipt. Now, here was his  first mistake...coming in and saying that his grandmother had come and bought a bunch of stuff for "him and his girl." After looking around he says with a shrug, "so you guys don't sell anything for men in here? Not even cologne?" Maybe, dude, you should learn what kind of store you're going into before you try to bring back stolen goods!

The stupidity of people astounds me sometimes. We obvi could't give him money back but offered store credit with I.D. which he didn't have. After he left to go home and get it. My manager called the store at the mall and found out that he had already been there to try and return the clothes there.

Moral of the story? Don't steal things! I thought that this was a rule learned at the age of 2. Clearly I was wrong. What I love is that the man had the brass pair to come back! We told him that his I.D wasn't valid and he said he'd go home and get something else with his address on it. He hasn't come back but if he does while I'm there I plan on bursting into tears and saying something like this...
That should scare him away for good. This is my life now people...

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh haha makes for great story time! Good luck through your first holiday working retail!
