Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Look of the Week: "Casualizing"

This week has been hot. 

Not quite as hot as this past weekend, but warm enough to not feel comfortable in pants. So I dug this dress out of the closet. I wore it for my bridal shower last year but hadn't had a chance to wear it since. 

I decided to through a casual twist to it for work yesterday. 

Dress: Paper Doll
Vest: Levis
Shoes: Forever 21
Necklace: Baked Beads
By throwing the vest with the dess, it accented the waist and the flat shoes dressed it down a little bit.

(FYI: menswear shoes are another closet staple for this fall. These were super cute and only around $10. Fashion forward without breaking the bank!)

So what do you guys think?


  1. Too cute! Love how you pull out items and totally redefine them.

    1. Thanks Mom! I figure I better get some use out of all these dresses from the wedding season!
