Sunday, August 26, 2012

Sunday Social

Sunday Social
1. What is the first website you log on to each day?
Twitter. It's the first app I click when I wake up in the morning. It used to be Facebook but now all I really use Facebook for is the blog!

2. Give us some funny websites you visit that we need to know about
Andrew got me started on It's hit or miss with the funny articles but it's always interesting. If I want stupid laughs I head over to Gotta love funny animal photos!

3. Pinterest or Facebook? Why?
I use these both for completely different things! I think I still prefer Facebook of Pintrest. Pintrest always gets me with the recipes and crafts; so dangerous!!!

4. Twitter or Instagram? Why?
These two really go hand-in-hand so this is a difficult one. I think Twitter though if I HAVE to choose. I love the creativity that I can use on Instagram, but without Twitter Instagram would be nothing!

5. Favorite youtube it!
I think this girl is so inspirational. I have struggled with my skin (not to this extreme but still) most of my life. But then I see this young woman put it all out there on the line to show women who have skin issues that they don't have to hide behind their blemishes. It's just cool!

6. Biggest online pet peeve?
When people get all "holier than thou" on Facebook. I know that anyone can say just about anything but it gets a little monotonous after a while.

Well, I hope you have all had a fabulous weekend! Andrew comes home tonight so I am SUPER excited!

Happy Shopping!


  1. That is an inspriational video.

    New follower - hope to get a follow back!!

  2. That video is amazing! Seriously unbelievable, and admirable. Thanks for sharing!

    1. I know! When I saw her on GMA I had to look up this video! Thanks for visiting!

  3. Agree with your pet peeve - I think people say things on-line that they would never say in a face to face conversation. I love any funny animal photos - I couldn't find it again but I have seen this website of pictures of dogs sticking their heads out of car windows - SO FUNNY!

    1. Agreed. And yes, I had a friend introduce me to that website it's makes me chuckle everytime I go on!

  4. I've never been to before, but I always see those pictures on Pinterest, note I'm going to be there all the time!

    1. It really is hit-or-miss sometimes but usually pretty entertaining! Enjoy! And thanks for the comment!

  5. What a great video! So inspirational. I've spent a lot of time at the Can Has Cheezburger site. Provides tons of laughs :)

    Newest follower via the Sunday Social :)

    The Pretty Pinhead

    1. So excited for a new follower! Welcome to my humble little corner of the Internet!
