Friday, October 26, 2012

Friday Letters

Happy Friday everyone! I decided to link-up with Ashley for Friday Letters.

Dear Week: I have to say, I am really glad that you are over. There has been some crazy changes going on and I'm ready to get back to some form of normalcy...whatever that may be.

Dear Husband: Thank you so much for putting up with me this week and for your patience and support. I don't know what I would do without you, even though I am a little bummed you get to go to Michigan this weekend. 

Dear Weekend: I am looking forward to a little peace and quiet. While I love the Tigers, I am ready for them to stop turning my husband into an angry elf. 

Dear Blog: I love that I have more time to work on you now and getting to know new friends is always fun! 

Short and simple today but I hope all of you have a fantastic weekend! If you haven't entered Kay's 500 follower giveaway, get on it!

And welcome my dear friend, Tara to the blogging world!


  1. nice and simple,perfect :)

    cute blog you have!

    happy friday!

  2. Thanks for the comment over on my blog AND the follow. You'll find you're +1 more follower too :) It's nice to find Michigan transplants in the bloggy world. Happy Friday Sarah! :)

  3. I was glad to see this week be over, too! Yay for weekends!

    Found you from the linkup. Newest follower!

    Swing by if you can.


    1. Yea so glad the weekend is here! Happy to follow you back!
