Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Is What It Is.

Welp, people, I've been dumped. Heaved ho. Hasta la vista baby. I was with this entity for a year and change and I get dumped like a hot potato. Not a fan of being the dumpee. So that means this is what my afternoon looks like today and possibly for the foreseeable future...
what you don't see are the sweatpants I'm also rocking
Yup, big cookie, tea, blogging and what used to be a good television show. 

Yes dear blogger friends, I've been fired. For the first time in my life I was fired. Emily's let me go after a year working for them, because I took another job...one that I love to be clear. But I was bummed nonetheless. Although I had been planning on leaving soon anyway, the sting is still here. And that sting comes from the fact that I was fired over an email. Not the way I would have done it but it is what it is. 
even tho this is what I sorta feel like
There is a silver lining to all of this tho, I get a chance to take on more hours at Ann Taylor, I can get up and go for a run in the morning instead of in the evening and I get more time to work on my blog! 

So while it is going to be tough to get used to my new found free time, I am excited to see what this new opportunity brings. 


  1. Their loss? But yeah, regardless getting fired sucks. I love that one of the labels is sweatpants lol.

    1. Totes sucks but I'm only allowing one day to mope. After that it's back up on that horse!

  2. I'm sorry to hear that girl. I that happen to me in January and felt like a boyfriend had just dumped me. But all the cliche sayings are true, I'm not going to say them all but basically one door closes another one opens and so on and so on...that horrible experience led me to the best one of my life. Chin up chica and it will all work out. :) xo

    1. Thanks love! Yea I'm going to keep my chin up. I know it will totally bring me some great new opportunities. BTW I LOVE your blog, but it won't let me comment! But I am reading!

  3. You have a GREAT attitude -- I'm excited to see what this opens up for you.

    1. Thanks Liz! I mean, there's nothing I can do about it so I might as well be positive.

  4. An e-mail?! So rude. Their loss, girl. Glad you love your new job!!

    1. I thought I had earned a little more respect than that, but whatevs! Thanks Jen, I'm glad for the stress levels going down for a little bit.

  5. WOW, they fired you over an email? Crazy. At least you have an amazing new job! Score!


    1. Yes, there is always a silver lining. It sucks but having good friends to get me thru it always helps!

  6. So sorry doll :( That's never an easy situation- kinda like the post it dump! Yay for more time for yourself too! AND!!! Now we have time to go grab a coffee :)

    1. SERIOUSLY! The first thing that came to mind was the post-it note break-up! And yes!!! Coffee time!
