Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Wedded Bliss Wednesdays: Marriage Advice

It's that time of the week again! Week three of WBW! This week is a tricky one, I think because in all honesty, we're the ones who should still be GETTING advice. But I will answer with the little tidbits that we have learned over the past year. 

If you could give one piece of advice to any married (or soon-to-be married) couple, what would it be?
Have patience. I know this might seem like a cop-out but it is SO true. Andrew and I are both very guilty of not being patient with each other and it is something that we have to work on all the time. Being patient can really save you a lot of grief. I know I have trouble with certain chores getting done at a certain time. This frustrates the hell out of me when it doesn't get done as fast as I would like. But I have to remember that Andrew needs to feel like he is needed around the house and that is way more important.

What is an absolute MUST for any marriage/relationship?
A comfortable day. A day where the two of you can just sit in comfortable clothes all day and just spend time with each other. Couples today are so busy with jobs and other activities and it is easy to get behind in your marriage. That reconnecting time is always cherished by us. We try and reconnect a little bit each day but sometimes a full day just the two of you is really nice. 

What is the #1 no-no in a marriage?
Technology in the bedroom. Now, Andrew and I are also guilty of this. And of course we leave our phones by our beds, it's just what you do when you have grandparents at an advanced age, but we keep them on "do not disturb" mode so that emails and texts don't come thru. The computer stays off in the bedroom and we don't talk on the phone in bed. It's important to have one place where no one can interfere. Now this may not seem like a #1 no-no, but it's important to us.

What is the biggest lesson you have learned from your marriage?
That we are such noobs! Anyone who has been married for as long as I have and says they have it all figured out, they are deluded. We have had so much fun learning different things about each other this year, even when not all of those things have been positive. There is still so much that we have to learn about each other and I can't wait to spend the rest of our lives learning more. 


  1. Patience! Yes, I agree completely. It's hard sometimes to step back and gain some patience.

    1. It totally is! It's something we're always working on, but I would rather work at it than ignore it.

  2. Can you ever see yourself feeling like you have marriage figured out?! I really can't... sigh... and I love the no technology in the bedroom thing! John and I are super guilty of this! Must stop! Although I do adore that we don't keep a tv in our bedroom.. that would just be bad for us haha

    1. Omg, we'll never have it all figured out! But I wouldn't want to. And when you have incidents involving technology in the middle of the night, you learn to keep those suckers turned off!

  3. Love it all! My hubs is all on board with no technology in the bedroom, I need tv haha he falls asleep so quick and I am the up all mightier lol great advice!

    1. Thanks Allie! Yeah I used to have to fall asleep to movies but I had to force myself to stop doing that. There are still some nights when I resort to Harry Potter to fall asleep! lol

  4. Love the idea of no technology in bed lol! Need to bring this idea up with my main squeeze :) and I love that y'all are noobs - us too! Loved the blog :)

    1. It's a difficult one to get past the men, but worth it! Love your blog too! Your little one is to die for!! Excited to be your newest follower :)

  5. The fact that patience really benefits YOU is so true, though sometimes we don't think about it that way. We have the same rule about no technology in the bedroom-no tv, no computers, no ipods...we have cell phones in there too but no one ever calls us in the middle of the night--the reason we have cellphones is because they are our alarms in the morning. (I thought everyone used their phones for alarms!) :P

    1. I guess we do use our phone as our alarm too. Didn't think about that! lol I love that you guys have a no technology rule too! Thanks for the post!

  6. Patience! I agree, I'm the same way about the chores. And great idea about the phones! We need to do that. He plays angry birds and I tweet lol. Bed should be for just us ;)

    Great post by the way.

  7. With the chores, I sometimes feel like a mother nagging but it's hard to get everything done around the house! Thanks for the comment!
